Abraham Lincoln Writing the Famous Bixby Letter, composition drawing


N.C. Wyeth

(American, 1882 - 1945)

Abraham Lincoln Writing the Famous Bixby Letter, composition drawing

Medium: Charcoal on paper
Date: 1943
38 × 28 in. (96.5 × 71.1 cm)
Private collection
Accession number: SUPP2000.1712
Research Number: NCW: 1712
ProvenanceThe artist; Mrs. N. C. Wyeth; Carolyn Wyeth to 1976; (Frank E. Fowler, Lookout Mountain, TN);
Curatorial RemarksFrank Lisiecki, Art Director of the American Legion Magazine, proposed this subject to the artist in a letter of August, 1943, which serves to date the drawing. "What I had in mind was Lincoln writing letters by lamp light in the White House. The Civil War is on, and of course he is tired, overworked, and under a great strain. He wrote many famous letters, as you know..."
The Brandywine River Museum holds a lantern slide (NCWS.95.1825.192) of the drawing that was used in the transfer of the image from paper to panel (NCW 1204).
Image Source for printed Catalogue Raisonne:image reproduced from lantern slide, BRM library
Photo Credit:probably Sanborne Studio, Wilmington, DE